Ubicquia and T&D World paper

Effectively Using Sensing Technology for Monitoring Distribution Assets

Jow Ortiz and Charlie Nobles discussed the aging US electric grid and described how the sensing and monitoring solutions created by FPL and Ubicquia are helping facilitate the shift to a condition-based asset management program. This paper was developed based on that discussion. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  • Aging utility infrastructure and changing customer needs are driving grid monitoring solutions.
  • FPL has developed a vision of a grid of the future and a technology strategy to maximize smart grid value.
  • FPL and Ubicquia defined three grid sensor requirements for their data and utility solutions.
  • FPL and Ubicquia capitalized on their respective strengths to co-develop two initial products.
  • Artificial intelligence predicts and extends the longevity of assets.
Ubicquia TDWorld WhitePaper Using_Sensing Technology-cover
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