Turn Your Streetlights into Situational Awareness and LPR Camera Sites

Use streetlights to accelerate the deployment and lower the cost of public safety cameras.

Public Safety - Icon 86 percent - police


of US police agencies report staffing shortages

Public Safety - Icon 33K video evidence


Chicago Police Department Investigations used video evidence over one year.

Police Executive Research Forum

Public Safety - Icon 50% investigations


Homicide investigations in major US cities used video evidence.


National Institute of Justice


Public Safety - Icon 62 percent video


Clearance rate for homicides with video evidence vs 47% without.

National Institute of Justice

Public Safety - Icon Prime sites

Prime Sites

Streetlights are everywhere you need public safety cameras to be.

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Rapid Installation

Plugs into the photocell socket on the top of streetlights and transmits data in minutes.

Public Safety - Icon easy integration

Easy Integration

PoE port for easy integration of 3rd party sensors and cameras.

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Elegant Design

Award winning design pairs rich functionality with a platform that blends into environment.

Simpler Way to Deploy Public Safety Cameras

UbiHub AP/AI combines an integrated situational awareness camera, Wi-Fi, street analytics, and lighting controls in one easy-to-deploy streetlight platform.

The UbiHub AP6 platform has the same Wi-Fi and lighting controls as AP/AI, but it lets you choose the camera or sensor you want to deploy. Simply plug a camera or third-party sensor into the unit’s power over Ethernet (PoE) port.

Public Safety - Ubicquia Makes It Easy to - camera image 1

A deployment using a 3rd party situational awareness camera to stream, record, and archive video evidence.

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A deployment using 3rd party LPR camera to capture license plate and vehicle information.

Police Executive Research Forum

Ubicquia Makes It Easy to Integrate 3rd Party Cameras and Sensors
Award-Winning Design

The UbiHub Multi-Purpose Platform has won four industrial design awards — including a Curator’s Choice Award from the Industrial Designers Society of America, joining the ranks of previous winners like Apple and Telsa. Our platform is consistently recognized for functionality, design innovation, and elegance.

Toward Intelligence-Led Policing with Better Technology

Ubicquia understands cameras are often part of larger intelligence led-policing technology initiatives. We’ve built our platforms for maximum interoperability, with APIs that ensure our cameras integrate with Real-Time Crime Centers and other law enforcement technologies.

We are Committed to Data Privacy
  • City owns the data retention policy
  • Data is encrypted at rest and in transit.
  • Privacy masking capability available.
  • Access is controlled and recorded in a complete, auditable log.

What our Customers Say

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