Connect with Us

Talk to our experts to see how our smart city, smart grid and connectivity platforms can make your community smarter, safer and more connected.

Connect with Us

Fill in the form with details of your request. We will be in touch within 1 business day to set up a call with a Ubicquia expert.

How Can We Help

Streetlights and utility poles are everywhere. At Ubicquia, we bring a disruptive approach to using these often-overlooked assets to help us solve big infrastructure challenges.

Our smart city, smart grid and connectivity platforms are simple and cost effective to deploy at scale. You can deploy them in seconds using this existing infrastructure and they offer an 80% lower total cost of ownership. We’ve built tools so you can get insights from complex and disparate data to make intelligent decisions.

That’s the power of Ubicquia. Let us show you how to make our communities smarter, safer, and more connected.

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Want to Make the World Smarter, Safer, and More Connected?

Connect with us to learn more about using your existing infrastructure to accelerate 5G deployments, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve public safety, and build a more resilient grid.